I love nature, plants, and animals generally but ever since I was young I've
gravitated towards insects specifically for some reason. I just think they're neat!
Bugs may be gross and weird sometimes but that's okay because humans are too.

Here are some bugs and bug-like critters I've met throughout my adventures :)

Hover over to enlarge!

White-Lined Sphinx Moth

Emerald Jumping Spider

Cicada Nymph

Please do not re-upload, edit, or claim the photography
on this page as your own; thank you so much!

Blue Fronted
Dancer Damselfly

Grapevine Beetle

Milkweed Bugs

American Nursery
Web Spider

Clouded Grasshopper (?)

Gray Field Slug

Banded Tussock Moth

Carpenter Bee

Tachinid Fly

Flesh Fly

Wolf Spider

Japanese Beetle

Leopard / Giant Garden Slug

Coreidae (?)

Eastern Tailed Blue Butterfly

Hover over to enlarge!

Take a walk through (click) the firefly trail to return home.

Thanks for visiting!

☮ spiritcellar 2020-2024

This site is for education and entertainment purposes only, and any graphics used that I do not own belong to their respective owners. No copyright infringement is intended! Thanks!